Dear Friends and Supporters!
It is getting close to crunch time! In a month, I will be flying off to Beijing to compete in the 2008 Olympic Games! I am pumped, but not over-excited, which wouldn't really help me that much, except to maybe get some TV appearances for being that crazy Cannuck that was running around like a lunatic in a state of euphoria during the opening ceremonies! No, that definitely won't be me! :) I think I am focused on what I need to be focused on, which is my performance. That is what the government is paying me to go do, so I will happily oblige.Before everything starts across the Pacific, I will have my test run next week at the US Open in Orange County, California. This tournament fits perfectly with my preparations for the games. Time-wise, I will have plenty of days to work on my final peak for Beijing. I come back on the 14th of July from California and then leave on August 2nd for Beijing. I will be sure to keep you all updated on the going ons at the US Open, so keep checking your emails!
On a side note, some of you may have heard rumours of a huge badminton exhibition night at the RA Centre. Please, please keep the night of Tuesday, July 22nd open. The rumours are true. We are running a fund-raising exhibition for myself and Mike Beres, who qualified for the Games in mixed doubles. It is our official RA Centre Olympic send-off night, and we would be very happy to see you all there! We will of course forgive the absense of those who live.... let's say...outside the continent of North America! Ok, just kidding. If you are interested in joining, please click the following link for more information:
For those of you who don't need more information and are keen to purchase 100 tickets immediately, you may do so at the East Desk of the RA Centre, at 2451 Riverside Drive!
Have a great night all!
(c) 613.222.3302
www.AndrewDabeka.caPrevious emails: May 13, May 11, Apr 19, Apr 6, Mar 30, Mar 25, Mar 13, Mar 6, Feb 19, Jan 23, Jan 21, Dec 14, Nov 25, Nov 17, Nov 1, Oct 24, Oct 9, Sept 29, Sept 8, Sept 1, Aug 14, Jult 31 and July 10, 2007
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