Sad Loss

Carole Charnutzky

Carole Charnutzky passed away on March 27, 2023 at age 87.


La communauté du badminton est en deuil.

Une championne de badminton, appréciée de toutes et tous, s'est éteinte le 27 mars dernier. Le lien suivant vous donnera toutes les informations quant aux funérailles de Carole :

Nos meilleures salutations

Guy Tétreault
Club Badminton Drummondville

(Google translated to English)

Good morning,

The badminton community is in mourning.

A badminton champion, appreciated by all, passed away on March 27th. The following link will give you all the information about Carole's funeral: Carole Willcox (

Our best regards,

Guy Tétreault
Club Badminton Drummondville

She was quite a lady! She loved her badminton. I remember playing her in her very first tournament at the MAAA in 1976 I think. It) was an Open tournament that attracted the best in eastern Canada and the US. You’ve got to start somewhere right? She came out with 3 racquets and was so keen. We had a fun match and had a lovely conversation afterwards. Of course we all saw her many times at many Masters tournaments…always upbeat and positive.

She left a mark on many people I’m sure.

Thanks for sharing.

Sally Dakin